Welcome to the Mighty Eagle Band!
Learn more about us and how YOU fit in!
Start at 2:20
Who Are We
The Rowlett High School band is the largest organization on campus with a marching band, 4 concert bands, 2 jazz bands, and color guard/winter guard. The RHS Band has enjoyed 20 plus years of growth and success in all musical endeavors. Students in the band are also members of many other clubs, organizations and sports teams on and off campus. Being a member of the RHS band means you will receive a well-rounded education and surround yourself with others who share a passion for music! We are the MEB (Mighty Eagle Band)!
A Tradition of Excellence & Success
Jazz Band Featured Ensemble, Midwest Band & Orchestra Clinic
Chicago, Illinois – 2001
UIL State Marching Band Participant
San Antonio, Texas – 2002, 2004, 2006, 2010, 2012, 2014
Jazz Featured Ensemble, International Association of Jazz Educators (IAJE)
New York City, New York – 2004
Winter Guard, Winter Guard International (WGI) World Championship Finalist
Dayton, Ohio – 2006
Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) Honor Band, 4th Runner-Up
San Antonio, Texas – 2007
National Wind Band Honors Competition, National Winnter
Lubbock, Texas – 2009
Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) Honor Band, 2nd Runner-Up
San Antonio, Texas – 2009
Texas Bandmasters Association (TBA), Exemplary Band Program Award
San Antonio, Texas – 2016
Midlothian Marching Showcase, 1st Runner-Up
Midlothian, Texas – 2017
DeSoto Marching Classic, 2nd Place Finalist
DeSoto, Texas – 2017
Midlothian Marching Showcase, 2nd Place Finalist
Midlothian, Texas – 2019
DeSoto Marching Classic, Grand Champions
DeSoto, Texas – 2019
North Texas Colorguard Association (NTCA), Regional 1st Place Winner
Red Oak, Texas – 2020
Royse City Marching Classic, 2nd Place Finalist, Most Outstanding 6A Band
Royse City, Texas – 2022

Why Join The Rowlett MEB

Make instant friendships by joining our Band Family.
Be a part of the largest student organization at RHS.
Meaningfully contribute to success.
Participate in an enriching musical experience.
Earn your Physical Education credit towards graduation.
Consider the following data from a Harris Poll showing how musically inclined students achieve higher academically.
65% of people with a secondary education participated in a music program.
For college graduates that number rises to 86%.
If you find income important to you, consider that 83% of people who earn $150,000 or more per year participated in school music programs.
More About Our Ensembles
Concert Bands
The concert bands give a variety of concert and contest performances each year performing in many wonderful concert halls.
The concert bands also travel each spring on a three to four night music enriched trip to a different destination each year.
Destinations have included Chicago, New Orleans, San Antonia, Corpus Cristi, and we have future plans to visit places like Branson, Los Angeles, and Orlando Fl.
Marching Band
Once you audition you're automatically a member of the marching band.
Every student plays an intricate part in our productions on the field! Current drum majors have started as alternate line members and grown to become the highest student rank in our organization.
All 4 grade levels are involved.
You earn a grade as well as Fine Arts, PE and elective credits for participation.
You can also earn your Varsity Letter Jacket in band!
Color Guard
Our award winning Color Guard (Fall Semester) and Winter Guard (Spring Semester) is made up of non-musicians and musicians within the band to offer an element of general effect with their costumes, silks, sabers, rifles, dance, choreography and technique.
The guard is our gorgeous colors in the show and the essence of visual beauty.
The students also wear elaborate costumes for the shows the band performs.
In November, they begin their Winter Guard season and compete at the North Texas Colorguard Association Contests throughout the area.
While they performed with a marching band in the fall, they will be under the spotlight in the spring semester to perform to their fullest capabilities with their very own production!
Membership to the color guard is by audition only and is open to non-band students. See the Band Directors for more info!
Jazz Bands
The Rowlett Jazz Ensembles are one of the more popular groups in the Rowlett Band Program.
We have two jazz ensembles at Rowlett. Jazz 1 (B8) and Jazz 2 (A4) meets during school.
Typically comprised of about twenty four musicians.
Auditions are open to saxophone, trombone, trumpet, and rhythm section that includes drum set, piano, bass and rhythm guitar.
The students in the jazz ensembles perform the music of the foremost big band composers, past and present.
If you would like information on how to join the jazz band program please email Mr. Lira

Frequently Asked Questions about high school band.....
1. Can my child handle marching band and academics?
Yes. Marching season builds not only a great work ethic but great time management skills.
We have had valedictorians of the senior class be able to attend prestigious colleges because of their high academic achievement and extracurricular activities while still performing in the top ensembles of our program. (One Student is in Band, NHS, All AP Classes, Choir, Student Council, and work.
2. Can I do band and athletics/cheer/drill team?
Yes. The coaches, sponsors and band staff work very well together to accommodate students and most school activities.
The key is to know your schedule and confirm with directors, coaches, and/or sponsors on your week-to-week schedule in advance. We will be glad to help and assist along with our student leaders that have done this as well. They are your veterans.
3. Is marching band physically challenging?
Yes. Marching band is physically challenging and you will sweat.
However, you need no prior experience to learn. The act of learning to march can be physically awkward in the beginning but becomes a more natural physical activity over time.
Remember…every ninth grader will be starting with the same level of experience and knowledge. They will have the same reservations that you do. We are in this together and we will work with you and be your support. We have senior drum majors that once began in our alternate line. Trust us when we say...it gets better!
4. Does my student have to be in marching band?
Yes. Our district recognizes band to be a full-year activity.
While it is a front-loaded schedule in the fall. It is for 3.5 months.
Once we get to November, the schedule reduces immensely to maybe 1 rehearsal a week and one game based on the playoff schedule.
5. What kind of commitment is my student making for marching band?
In order to march in the fall show (“show” is the term the band uses for the performance at half-time on Friday night), a student must participate in the following:
June Kickoff camp/Instrument pick upheld at Rowlett High School
July/August band/colorguard/percussion camps held at Rowlett High School
Marching band practice after school on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 3:30 PM to 6:00 PM. No Wednesday rehearsals (Reserve Wednesdays for tutorials! This is your opportunity to make doctor appointments, get all assignments completed. The goal is to be at every after-school rehearsal as it is a class for each and every student in the program. Remember you're always auditioning!
Show effort!
We also compete at 3 to 4 contests or invitationals each year to show how we do things here in the ROWLETT HIGH SCHOOL MIGHTY EEEEAAAAAAGGGLLLEEE BAAANNNDD!
6. Can parents volunteer to help the band?
Absolutely! If we have too many volunteers then we will still ask for more.
We want parent volunteers for all events in the fall from games to contests. We see parents helping every front ensemble member to soloist mics and stands and even the keyboards.
You will be quickly welcomed into the position and you get to build and grow into the MEB family because we truly are a family. Ask those that have been in the program for 13+ years! they have 100s of kids that they know and honestly care for and you become a family member for life!
7. How much money does it cost to be in the band?
Yes, it does come with band enrichment fees.
Please understand that the fees that we collect are based on all supplies needed and required to be successful in the program.
The majority of the fees collected are a complete wash for the program. This means we collect to get the supplies for your student(s).
We do fundraisers to raise money to further your student's growth within their musical skill set by granting masterclasses in our summer band schedule and bring in well-known band clinicians that help us become who we are today. Please know it all goes back to the students because your child is a vital piece of our Mighty Eagle Band successes.
There is a fee to cover expenses not paid for by GISD. We are conscientious of your money and keep our costs down as much as possible.
You must also purchase or rent a quality instrument to play in the band. Some instruments like the euphonium, tuba, french horn, oboe, bassoon, tenor sax, and baritone sax are rented from the school for $75 per year ($100 for the second instrument/Percussion). Many expenses associated with supplies and uniform accessories will be one-time purchases.
8. Are students required to attend all events?
Yes. Students are required to attend all events on the band calendar that pertain to them.
Academic eligibility is vital to have the opportunity to be a fully committed member in the program.
We make every effort to inform parents about all band activities. Please make sure to utilize our web site
9. Does my student need to audition to be in band?
Yes. By auditioning they are agreeing to commit for the full year.
10. Who should I contact if I have questions?
Mr. Lira, Director of Bands - RALira@garlandisd.net
Mrs. Gott, Associate Director - egott@garlandisd.net
TBA, Associate Director/Percussion
Mr. Seltzer, Percussion Assistant - jseltzerpercussion@gmail.com
TBA, Guard Director
So what do we do now?
Watch the practices when you get a chance.
Support your child.
Participate in our fund-raisers!
Get ready for an exciting 4 years as a Rowlett HS Band parent!
Oh? And do you like to travel?
The Rowlett High School Band travels to places
like Hollywood, Orlando, and New York City!
